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Всехмогущий Лесли

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Сообщения, опубликованные Всехмогущий Лесли

  1. Уровень бога [в соблазнении] - это когда мужчина, не зная языка, с бумажки читает девушке “I’ll show you magic. stand up!”, и она встает. И здесь, у участников тренинга на Ибице, это получается! С бумажки на ломаном английском - и все это работает. Это круто.

    Главное - иметь смелость и делать это.

    Парень приехал под 2 метра ростом, и он умудряется, не зная никакого языка, кроме русского, эффективно снимать. А есть на тренинге и один “ФСБшник”, он все время скрывается от камер, и мы все стебемся, что он очередной засланный…

    Мы сейчас отрабатываем знакомство и влюбление.

    Тренинг проходит в другом формате, не как база или телеска. Мы все утром собираемся в крутом ресторане и я что-то рассказываю, объясняю, читаю лекции, попутно отправляя участников за мимо проходящими шикарными девушками. По-моему это намного эффективнее.
    Я вчера познакомился с негритянкой, это моя слабость. 
    По ощущениям он была эскортницей, но выбрала со мной такую тактику - скрывать это. Просто сказала, что на Ибице работает, ничего больше. То есть она со мною выбрала стратегию не как с человеком, которого она пытается развести на бабки. Хотя на самом деле я на тренингах стараюсь в съем не уходить, потому что когда я ухожу в съем, у меня башню срывает, и все. Забываю про группу, забываю про тренинг...



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    Бывает, что мне говорят женщины: “Вот ты топишь только за мужчин, а нас - стараешься сделать удобными для них”
    Вы просто посмотрите на Охотниц. Разве эти девушки удобны для мужчин? Нет, они интересны для мужчин, даже тех, у которых большой кругозор среди женщин.
    Мне в какой-то момент стало скучно, стали скучны все женщины вокруг, такое бывает у всех мужчин. Мне хотелось кайфануть, просто самому кайфануть, удивиться. А так как, как вы знаете, я достаточно давно в теме соблазнения, и у меня уже было такое количество женщин, что я уже ничему не удивляюсь. Для меня все женщины вели себя на тот момент стандартно и одинаково. Я общался со звездами, актерами, продюсерами и выяснил, что у них то же самое. Люди, которые в этой жизни многого добились, кто-то известный актер, кто-то денег много заработал, кто-то фильмы крутые продюсирует, кто-то власть имеет и так далее - я начал понимать, что у всех у них та же история, им тоже стали скучны все девушки, модели ли они, звездочки какие-то.
    И тогда я решил создать охотницу. То есть появилась сама идея, как она должна выглядеть. И я встретил девушку, которая то ли сыграла, то ли действительно была такой, но она мне просто взорвала мозг, потому что она полностью соответствовала моей идеи и концепции того, как быть нестандартной в каждый момент времени. Тогда я очень сильно удивился и начал снимать с нее модель, она изложена в Кодексе.
    Эту модель можно назвать “Женщина наоборот” - то есть женщина которая вообще все делает наоборот и очень сильно удивляет этим мужчин любого уровня и статуса. Я не называю ее имени никогда, для меня оно должно оставаться в секрете. Чтобы это не было привязано к конкретной личности - просто абстрактный человек. И после этого я начал этому учить других девушек, и они, когда я начала эту модель и на них распространять, начали тоже взрывать мозг. 

    Одну из таких вы хорошо знаете - это героиня большого геополитического международного скандала. Это была демонстрация всему миру поведения охотницы. 
    От него бомбило всех абсолютно. От нестандартного поведения молодой девушки, которая просто очень всем нравилась. Люди были в диком восторге от того, что она говорит, как она это говорит, как она ведет себя и так далее. Потому что это то, о чем на самом деле мечтает любой мужчина и, заметьте, это была просто демонстрация миру охотницы. 

    В нее влюбилась вся Планета. Это была не просто игра, а жизнь одновременно. С падениями империй и всем прилагающимся - но вместо того, чтоб ее на пьедестал почета поставить, ее посадили в яму, вот и все. Но смысл не изменился, все видели эту модель, всех бомбило, качали эмоции, людям это нравилось. Четкая и яркая демонстрация!
    Многие пишут: “но ведь она делала то, что ты говорил, она ведь сама этого не сможет...”

    Какая разница? Соблазнение - это образ, и все мы на себя надеваем образы, и кто будет исполнять этот образ и как, как и то, такая она на самом деле или нет, вообще не имеет абсолютно никакого значения. Потому что ты всегда влюбляешься в образ. Всегда.
    И мы к этому образу идем. И даже становимся им, если никакие сложности не встают на нашем пути. Если мы не сливаемся, мы становимся этим образом. Задачей данного проекта является создание реального человека, а не просто какой-то Миллы Йовович или Анджелины Джоли, играющих на экране, а на самом деле являющихся простыми как грабли и неинтересными, скандалящими со своими мужчинами и не имеющих на самом деле ни страсти, ни чего-то подобного.

    Нет. Здесь нашей задачей было дойти до реальной реализации проекта.

    Так что мне непонятно, как можно сказать, что охотницы “удобны для мужчины”. Поспрашивайте об это мужчин - насколько это удобно. 
    Это для того, чтобы мужчины влюблялись, зажравшиеся [в плане женского внимания] мужчины, как я. 

    Модель охотницы, эта структура поведения и установок, при встрече с мужчиной, который уже “наелся” женщин, и они ему наскучили, приводит его в состояние шока, он влюбляется. Следуя этой модели, ты действительно достигаешь того, чего ты хотела, ты становишься уникумом. Становишься единственной такой.
    Многие люди склонны ставить штампы. Самый частый из них - так как охотницы сеексуально активны, проходят разные прокачки и изучают техники - “Охотница - значит всем дает”.
    Да ничего подобного. Охотница - охотится. Она берет мужчин, которых она хочет. А в ходе прокачки она учится отдаваться в том случае, когда ей это нужно для какой-то игры. Иногда это один из лучших ходов - отдаться на глазах у мужчины, на которого ты воздействуешь, какому-то просто абсурдному другому мужчине. Любой мужчина может стать стратегическим ходом в игре. А чтобы такие тактики исполнять, нужно просто быть прокаченной. 
    Игры - это серьезно. Это работа. Работа с простройкой конкретных ходов и реализацией их в жизнь. Для жертвы вообще не понятно, что это происходит. Когда она узнает, она просто в шоке от того, что, оказывается, это просто была игра, чтобы жертву подсадить на себя. 

    В физике есть такое правило, что на любом стекле, даже бронированном, есть такая точка, на которую если чуть нажать, оно рассыпется. Такую же точку мы ищем в каждом конкретном человеке. На нее нажимаешь, и сразу система работает, это очень красиво.Каждая игра - она как картина, оригинальна, уникальна и интересна. Когда она происходит, ее после этого можно просто записать и книгу по ней издать, например)
    Люди просто не понимают смысла игры, и того, насколько готовность совершать любые шаги может быть важна для достижения своих целей.

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  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/22/world/europe/nastya-rybka-russia.html


    Escort Who Claimed to Have Proof of Russian Meddling Is Released From Detention.


    Anastasia Vashukevich, a Belarusian escort and blogger who also goes by the name Nastya Rybka, at a court hearing in Moscow on Saturday.
    Anastasia Vashukevich, a Belarusian escort and blogger who also goes by the name Nastya Rybka, at a court hearing in Moscow on Saturday.CreditCreditMaxim Shipenkov/EPA, via Shutterstock
    • Jan. 22, 2019

    MOSCOW — An escort from Belarus who posted video online showing her on the yacht of one of Russia’s richest oligarchs along with a senior Russian official was released from detention in Moscow on Tuesday, her lawyer told the government news agency Tass.

    The escort, Anastasia Vashukevich, who is the author of a book titled “Who Wants to Seduce a Billionaire” and also goes by the name Nastya Rybka, arrived in Moscow last Thursday after being deported from Thailand over her involvement in a sex-training seminar aimed at male Russian tourists, and was immediately arrested at the airport.

    Her lawyer, Svetlana Sidorkina, told Tass that Ms. Vashukevich and Alexander Kirillov, a self-described Russian “sex guru” also known as Alex Leslie, who was also deported from Thailand and detained upon arrival in Moscow, remained suspects in a case involving “enticement to prostitution” but had been released on their own recognizance.

    A video showing Ms. Vashukevich being manhandled by Russian police officers at Sheremetyevo Airport, which serves Moscow, stirred outrage among her followers on social media and those of Aleksei Navalny, a Russian anti-corruption campaigner who posted video footage of the yacht trip on his website last year.

    Mr. Navalny’s video severely embarrassed the owner of the yacht, the Russian tycoon Oleg Deripaska, and Sergei E. Prikhodko, a former deputy prime minister who was also onboard and is now deputy chief of the Russian government’s administrative apparatus. Mr. Deripaska has been under sanctions imposed by the United States along with other Russian magnates close to the Kremlin.

    Mr. Navalny said on his website Monday that leaked audio recordings showed that Mr. Deripaska, who had a business relationship with President Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul J. Manafort, orchestrated the arrest of Ms. Vashukevich. She was first detained in Thailand last year and then seized by Russian police officers last Thursday at the airport in Moscow.


    Mr. Deripaska’s ties to Mr. Manafort, who has pleaded guilty to charges bought by the team of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, have made the oligarch a bit character in various tangled story lines around the investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

    The surprise release on Tuesday of the detained Belarusian escort followed media reports that Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Ms. Vashukevich’s home country, had intervened on her behalf.

    Mr. Deripaska has stayed silent, saying only that he skipped this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, an event he usually attends, to go fishing on Lake Baikal in Russia. Some interpreted that comment as a dig at Ms. Vashukevich, whose pseudonym, Rybka, means “little fish” in Russian.

    While in Thailand, Ms. Vashukevich claimed that she had audio recordings that could link Russia with Mr. Trump’s election, but no such recordings have come to light, and many doubt they exist.

  4. https://www.newsweek.com/us-escort-bizarre-story-trump-russia-scoop-833740


    he State Department has brushed off questions about the "bizarre story" of a self-described sex expert who claims she has information for the Russian election meddling investigation after allegedly witnessing talks with a top Moscow official on an oligarch's yacht.

    The Belarusian-born woman, who calls herself Nastya Rybka, has published a roman à clef on seducing a billionaire, and skyrocketed to fame when her claims and Instagram posts captured the attention of the Kremlin's top critic. Anti-corruption blogger Alexey Navalny took an interest in her Instagram page, where he identified what appears to be a genuine, hushed-up encounter between businessman Oleg Deripaska and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Prikhodko.

    Related: What does a self-styled sex coach know about Russian collusion and Trump?

    The report of a meeting in the presence of an escort—or several escorts, as Navalny claims—is not only embarrassing for both men but could also constitute a bribe, he argues. The pair also allegedly discussed politics and ties with the U.S. aboard the luxury vessel. Deripaska has expressly denied any illegal activity or having any affair with Rybka. Russian authorities threatened both Instagram and YouTube with blackouts if they do not take down Navalny's video post about the incident.

    The clip swiftly drew in millions of views and shortly afterwards Rybka and a group of her fellow sex experts were arrested in Thailand. She has since made several pleas for help from the U.S., offering to trade her insight into the alleged collusion between Russia and members of President Donald Trump's team. Crucially, Deripaska has done business with ex-Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort and at least one of Rybka's posts suggested the two men on the yacht were discussing relations with the U.S. She has claimed she has over an hour of relevant audio recordings but will only trade them for political asylum.


    03_07_State_DepState Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert speaks during a briefing at the State Department in Washington, D.C. on November 30, 2017.MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

    Asked if the U.S. government were seeking to speak with Rybka, whose real name is Anastasia Vashukevich, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert suggested American diplomats were not planning any meetings with the woman.

    "Not that I am aware of," Nauert said, stating in her daily press briefing on Tuesday that she only had a "little bit of information" about the Rybka case. "We're certainly aware of her arrest. The Russian authorities may have more information on her case. Certainly, the Thai or Thai law enforcement may have additional information, but we're limited in terms of what we have."

    Read more: Putin showed the world Russia's next generation nukes. The footage was over 10 years old

    In a flurry of Instagram posts from inside a caged vehicle, Rybka has speculated that her life may be in danger if she is returned to Russia and claimed that the damaging information she has, as opposed to her sex work, is the real reason for her arrest.

    "We support and assist American citizens," Nauert added, when pressed on potential assistance to Rybka. "She is not an American citizen."

    The State Department spokeswoman insisted that the U.S. was relying on Thai authorities to disclose anything of great interest from the Nastya Rybka saga.

  5. https://apnews.com/22e38b86bd9f43df801d9abe822b0d42

    Belarusian model: I gave info on Trump to Russian tycoon.


    MOSCOW (AP) — A Belarusian model who claims to have information on ties between Russia and Donald Trump’s election campaign told The Associated Press on Friday that she has turned that material over to Russian billionaire businessman Oleg Deripaska.

    Anastasia Vashukevich fueled speculation around possible ties between Trump and the Kremlin last year when she posted a video from a police van, saying she had 16 hours of audio and video proving ties between Russian officials and the Trump campaign that influenced the 2016 U.S. elections.

    Deripaska denied the allegations and even went to court to seek to remove the video Vashukevich posted in which he discusses U.S.-Russia ties with a senior Russian government official.

    Vashukevich, who is also known as Nastya Rybka, returned to Russia last month almost a year after she was detained in Thailand on charges of soliciting sex, in what some believe was an attempt to silence her.

    Vashukevich, 28, told the AP in an interview Friday that, contrary to earlier reports that she had destroyed the recordings, she had given them to Deripaska because it “relates to him” and that she “did not want any more trouble.”

    Vashukevich rose to prominence in February last year when Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny published an investigation detailing dealings between Deripaska and Sergei Prikhodko, then-Russian deputy prime minister who played a prominent role in shaping Russia’s foreign policy.

    Navalny drew on Vashukevich’s video from summer 2016 when Deripaska was hosting Prikhodko on his yacht and was caught on tape saying that relations between Russia and the U.S. were bad because of then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland.

    Deripaska is close to Putin and also had a working relationship with Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager. Manafort was investigated by special counsel Robert Mueller as part of the probe into the 2016 election and was convicted last year of tax and bank fraud.

    Deripaska’s representative at the time dismissed the reports as “scandalous and mendacious assumptions.” He promptly filed and won a lawsuit against Vashukevich for breach of privacy and secured a court ruling to delete the videos of him and Prikhodko.

    Vashukevich and her teacher, self-styled sex guru Alexander Kirillov, were in Thailand shortly after Navalny’s investigation came out, conducting a sex training seminar when they were arrested for working without a permit. Vashukevich, Kirillov and several others ended up being charged with soliciting sex and spent 11 months in a Thai jail.

    In January, Vashukevich and others were sentenced by the court in Pattaya to three-year prison terms before a new ruling gave them suspended 18-month prison terms and deported them to Russia.

    In the early stages of their detention, the sex training group sent a note to the U.S. Embassy via an intermediary seeking help and political asylum. Vashukevich indicated she would turn over the recordings she claimed to have if the U.S. could help secure her release, but later withdrew the offer, suggesting that she and Deripaska had reached an agreement.

    Vashukevich and Kirillov initially blamed Russia for their incarceration and said they were fearful for their lives. In April, however, Vashukevich changed her tune and said it was the U.S. government that was persecuting her, not Russia.

    Vashukevich later told reporters outside a Thai courtroom that she had promised Deripaska not to speak about the U.S. election interference anymore.

    Vashukevich and Kirillov were briefly detained upon their arrival in Moscow late last month on suspicion of soliciting sex in Russia but were promptly released.

    When pressed Friday by the AP about her previous claims, Vashukevich said she had emailed “everything I had” to Deripaska and dodged a question of whether she kept a copy for herself.

    “Oleg (Deripaska) has it all. If he wants to make any of it public, if he thinks that it’s a good idea, he can do it himself,” she said.

    A spokeswoman for Deripaska had no immediate comment Friday on Vashukevich’s new allegations.

    The Belarusian native who penned two books about seducing rich, powerful men explained to the AP how she changed her mind about who was to blame for her plight in Thailand.

    She said he received multiple visits from Americans with FBI IDs who were seeking information about her claims of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. She said they offered her safety in the U.S. or threatened her with a lengthy prison term if she refused to cooperate.

    Around the time when she first publicly supported Russia, Vashukevich received a visit from Vladimir Pronin, Russia’s newly appointed consul in Pattaya, who she said helped to improve prison conditions for her and the other inmates. She credited Pronin for securing her release from the Thai prison and her deportation in January.

    Russian publications The Bell and Proyekt last year pointed to another high-profile visitor who Vashukevich caught on tape spending time with Deripaska.

    One video posted on her YouTube account showed a meeting between Deripaska and Adam Waldman, a U.S. lobbyist who has been working for Deripaska and who has had repeated meetings with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The reported January 2017 meeting was several days before Waldman’s visit to Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

    The Democratic National Committee last year sued Trump’s campaign, Russia and WikiLeaks, saying they conspired to cheat Democrats in the 2016 election.

    When asked Friday if the reports proving the Russian interference in the U.S. elections included recordings of Waldman, Prikhodko and Deripaska, the Belarusian woman said: “I didn’t tell you that.”

    Vashukevich has kept a low profile since her release, a stark contrast to the racy photos that she used to post on Instagram.

    On Friday, she would not respond to a question on whether she was currently collaborating with Russian authorities. Her remarks, however, indicated that she may have traded her silence for security.

    “Things are so good right now, I don’t want this to change,” she said. “I don’t want to have to have to compare the Russian prison to the Thai prison. I don’t want any more trouble.”

    In her old Instagram posts, Vashukevich used to take pride in manipulating rich, powerful men.

    Asked Friday if she was now the one being manipulated, she swore in English and asked “What do you do?”


    Iuliia Subbotovska contributed to this report.


    This version corrects the headline to show that Vashukevich is Belarusian, not Russian.


  6. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/belarus-model-who-touted-evidence-of-trump-russia-ties-pleads-guilty-in-thailand/2019/01/15/2fa89adc-18d0-11e9-b8e6-567190c2fd08_story.html


    Belarusan model who touted evidence of Trump-Russia ties pleads guilty in Thailand

    Anastasia Vashukevich, a Belarusan model, and Belarusan Alexander Kirillov, a self-described sex coach, at the Chonburi immigration office in Pattaya, Thailand, on Jan. 15. (Athit Perawongmetha/Reuters)

    MOSCOW — A model whose alleged affair with a Russian oligarch made her an unexpected player in probes into Moscow’s influence, pleaded guilty Tuesday in Thailand to charges linked to a “sex training” seminar, setting the stage for her deportation.

    The model and self-described sex expert from Belarus, Anastasia Vashukevich, claimed that she ­recorded meetings between ­Russian metals magnate Oleg Deripaska and unspecified Americans in 2016 to discuss Russian interference in the U.S. election.

    Vashukevich posted video of Deripaska meeting with a senior Russian official on a yacht, but Deripaska has denied wrong­doing, and no evidence has emerged that she possessed any new details about the election. 

    On Tuesday, Vashukevich and seven Russians pleaded guilty to conspiracy and soliciting prostitution, clearing the way for them to be released after nine months in a Thai jail. 

    Vashukevich’s claims about recording Deripaska were notable because the oligarch has ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and used to work with President Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.

    Manafort has pleaded guilty in the United States to crimes stemming from his work as a political consultant in Ukraine before joining Trump’s campaign.

    Soon after Vashukevich’s apparent connection to Deripaska came to light early last year, she and several Russians were arrested while conducting what she described as a sex training seminar for Russian tourists in the Thai resort town of Pattaya.

    In jail, she pleaded for U.S. help, saying she had information on ties between Russia and Trump. On Instagram, she claimed that she was “the only witness and the missing link in the connection between Russia and the U.S. elections.”

    But none of the alleged recordings were ever made public. 

    Vashukevich had long promoted herself as an expert on sex and the art of seduction, and she wrote a book on her alleged liaison with Deripaska titled “A Diary About Seducing a Billionaire.” Deripaska has said that Vashukevich was making up stories, and he won a court case against her in which he argued that Vashukevich was violating his privacy. 

    On Tuesday, a lawyer for one of the seven people arrested alongside Vashukevich said that all eight of them pleaded guilty, prompting the Thai court to suspend their sentences and order their release. 

    Their prison terms were waived in view of time served. They were then returned to a prison in Pattaya, a beach city south of Bangkok, where their shackles were removed, said the lawyer, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing legal matter.

    Vashukevich, who has also gone by the name Nastya Rybka, and the others are now set to be deported from Thailand, a process that Thai officials say will take about five days.

    It was not immediately clear where Vashukevich, a citizen of Belarus, would be sent. A friend, Gregory Kogan, said Vashukevich was hoping to be deported somewhere other than Russia. 

    “They feel quite lucky,” Kogan said. “But the real relaxation will come when they are free.”

    [Revelations about Manafort’s 2016 interactions with Russian associate show special counsel’s intense focus on Russia contacts]

    A court document filed in the United States last week revealed that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has remained closely focused on Manafort's interactions with Russians during the campaign, including his communications with Konstantin Kilimnik, an employee of Manafort's political consulting firm. FBI has assessed that Kilimnik has ties to Russian intelligence.

    Kilimnik also served as Manafort’s liaison to Deripaska. In July 2016, Manafort wrote to Kilimnik and directed him to offer “private briefings” about the campaign to the Russian businessman. A spokeswoman for Deripaska has said he was never offered the briefings and did not receive any. Representatives of Deripaska did not immediately respond to requests for comment Tuesday. 

    Kilimnik has said that he and Manafort met in New York to discuss Manafort's unpaid bills from Ukraine on Aug. 2, 2016. Days later, Vashukevich recorded Deripaska and Sergei Prikhodko, then Russian’s deputy prime minister, together on a yacht off the coast of Norway.

    Helderman reported from Washington and Mahtani from Hong Kong. Wilawan Watcharasakwet in Bangkok contributed to this report. 


  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47055734

    Nastya Rybka: Model who got caught up in the Trump-Russia row.


    Nastya Rybka spent a few days "just partying" with a Russian billionaire on his yacht, and boasted to the world about her coup.

    But that billionaire was Oleg Deripaska, a powerful friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin. And she later claimed she had evidence of Russian interference in the Trump election campaign.

    Rybka herself, a Belarusian model, was to spend a year in prison in Thailand, in her eyes an unwitting victim used by others.

    "I fell in love. He is a very handsome man and has beautiful eyes. Why not?" she said of Mr Deripaska in an interview with BBC Russian in Moscow.

    All she wanted was to be on Mr Deripaska's yacht, she says. She got what she wanted in 2016, but talking about it has caused Mr Deripaska nothing but grief.

    Anastasia Vashukevich (C) pictured at the Nagatinsky district court in Moscow, Russia, on 19 January 2019Image copyrightEPA Image captionThe Belarusian model appeared in court in Moscow this month accused of engaging in prostitution, but has been freed from jail

    US sanctions were slapped on the aluminium magnate and other Russian tycoons last year for "malign activity" involving Russia. It also emerged he had had business contacts with Paul Manafort, the former campaign chairman in Donald Trump's election bid.

    "He has a lot of troubles," says Rybka, whose real name is Anastasia Vashukevich. "I think I started those troubles, I am the beginning of it."

    The billionaire denied her allegations and successfully sued for invasion of privacy both the model and her so-called "pick-up coach" Alex Lesley, otherwise known as Alexander Kirillov.

    How model ended up in Thai jail

    Nastya Rybka shot to notoriety a year ago when her book and Instagram posts with photographs and descriptions of people she met on the yacht in 2016 were picked apart by Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny.

    He identified a high-ranking official from President Putin's administration, Sergei Prikhodko, as one of the visitors.

    Mr Prikhodko dealt mainly with foreign policy issues and after the account became public he was vague about whether or not he had been hosted by Mr Deripaska, as had been alleged.

    Belarusian model Anastasia Vashukevich, (L) known by her pen name Nastya Rybka with Russian seduction guru Alex Kirillov (R) leave Thai immigration department in Bangkok on January 17, 2019Image copyrightAFP Image captionNastya Rybka and her "pick-up coach" Alexander Kirillov were deported from Thailand this month

    Shortly after Alexei Navalny published his findings in a video posted on the internet, Mr Deripaska sued on privacy grounds and the video was blocked by Russia's media watchdog. Russian media which had cited Mr Navalny's findings had to retract their publications.

    Meanwhile, Rybka and Alexander Kirillov went to Thailand for another "sex-training" session.

    On 25 February 2018 they were arrested on charges of working without permits, which were later changed to soliciting to provide sexual services.

    The pair believed the prosecution was connected to the scandal in Russia.

    Why Rybka appealed to FBI

    Shortly after her arrest Rybka thought that the Americans could help her out.

    Appealing to US media via a shaky Instagram video in a police van, she said she had important information, as well as "missing bits of the puzzle" regarding connections between the Russian establishment, Paul Manafort and the Trump campaign.

    Now, bizarrely, she says it was the Americans who arranged her imprisonment.

    "Maybe (the) Americans were afraid that I have something against the new president," she says. "It's not our game, it's bigger than us."

    She is coy about the sort of information she was promising, and insists she did not give the US investigators anything.

    "The FBI asked whether I have any material on Trump, Manafort, Deripaska's life. A lot of people came and asked the same. After that I decided that what I have is dangerous for me. I sent it to Oleg Deripaska," she said.

    It is not known what material she had, if any. Nor is it known if Mr Deripaska ever received anything.

    On 17 January, she and Leslie received suspended sentences and were deported from Thailand.

    'I have to live here'

    Arriving in Russia they were arrested again, on charges of coercing people into prostitution. Rybka's lawyer posted a video on Instagram showing her arrest.


    By now she had become contrite and begged Oleg Deripaska's forgiveness.

    Two days later both were released from Russian custody, although the case is still not closed.

    Rybka says she doesn't have any material connected to that affair. "I don't have any mobile phones or computers any more."

    Nastya Rybka insists she did not cut any deals with anyone in exchange for her release. But she does not deny that as soon as she was back in Russia, she was told in no uncertain terms how to behave.

    "I was explained how I can talk about it. And I have to live here. The official version is that I haven't got any records and whatever records there were are gone."

    Now she and her mentor appear to blame Alexei Navalny for all their troubles. And this view matches both Oleg Deripaska's and Russia's official view of the story: an innocent leisure trip that was magnified into a tale of corruption and international conspiracy.

    So what did Nastya Rybka mean a year ago when she said Oleg Deripaska was involved in Russian government meddling in the US presidential election?

    "I can't answer that question," she says.

  8. https://abcnews.go.com/International/sex-trainer-claimed-information-trump-russia-arrested-moscow/story?id=60451921

    'Sex trainer' who claimed to have info on Russian election interference arrested in Moscow.

    An Instagram model and self-described “sex trainer” from Belarus, who last year drew international attention with unsubstantiated claims to have recordings relevant to the Russian election interference investigation, has been arrested at a Moscow airport on prostitution charges after she was deported from Thailand.

    Anastasia Vashukevich, better known by her online persona Nastya Rybka, was drawn into the special counsel investigation in 2018 after Instagram videos surfaced of her aboard a yacht with Oleg Deripaska, a Kremlin-connected Russian oligarch with long-standing business ties to Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort. After Vashukevich was arrested in Thailand last year on work permit violations, she claimed to have recordings relating to Russia and the 2016 election, and promised to hand information over to the FBI if the agency would guarantee her safety.

    No evidence ever emerged to support her claims, but the case has attracted significant media attention in Russia, mostly because of its salacious details and the high-profile characters involved.

    On Thursday, Vashukevich and her collaborator, a self-described sex guru known as Alex Lesli, were detained with two others at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport when they landed after returning from Thailand. A court in that country convicted, then released them and seven others after they pleaded guilty to prostitution-related charges.


    A video of Vashukevich's detention in Moscow was published on Friday by Ren-TV, a pro-Kremlin channel with ties to the security services, that showed several men trying to force Vashukevich into a wheel chair near passport control and then eventually taking her away, escorted by a uniformed police officer.

    Russian police said in a statement that Vashukevich and Lesli, whose real name is an Alexander Kirillov, were now being detained on charges of enticement to prostitution. No charges had been previously announced and their arrest had not been expected and large crowd of journalists waiting for them at the airport’s arrivals area were surprised when they didn’t appear.

    Vashukevich first attracted international attention when Russia’s most prominent opposition activist, Alexey Navalny, her videos and photos of her with Deripaska in an investigation alleging Kremlin corruption in February 2018.

    The videos show Deripaska aboard a yacht off the coast of Norway with a top Kremlin official in August 2016, filmed by Vashukevich, who claimed in a book she wrote around the trip that she had been flown there with several other women and had sex with Deripaska.

    Navalny asserted the video was proof that Deripaska had effectively bribed the official, Sergey Prikhodko, then a Russian deputy prime minister, by flying him to the yacht. Deripaska, a metals magnate who is one of Russia’s richest men, responded by suing Navalny and Vashukevich, claiming they had illegally published personal photos. Prikhodko told the Russian independent newspaper, RBC that “such stuff should be answered man-to-man, but we will leave in within the bounds of the legal field."

    In Russia, attention has focused mostly on the corruption allegations, but what attracted global notice was Navalny’s speculation— made without evidence— that Deripaska and Prikhodko could have been discussing information provided by Paul Manafort about the 2016 elections. Emails first reported by The Washington Post, revealed that Manafort had allegedly offered “private briefings” to Deripaska on the U.S. election while he was overseeing Trump’s campaign that summer.

    Manafort, who has been convicted on multiple charges of fraud and money laundering as well as “conspiracy against the United States” as part of the Special Counsel investigation, denied at the time that any briefing ever took place.

    Deripaska sued Navalny and Vashukevich over the video alleging invasion of privacy, and a Russian court ordered them to pay roughly $8,000 each for posting information relating to his private life on the internet without his consent. After Deripaska won a court ruling, Russia’s state media watchdog at one point threatened to block YouTube and Instagram if the two sites did not remove the videos.

    Vashukevich later seized on the possible link between her videos of Deripaska and Prikhodko and the U.S. election after she and Kirillov were arrested in Thailand three weeks later while they were conducting what they described as a "sex training” seminar there. She claimed publicly to have hours more recordings that would reveal more about the U.S. election and Russia, and promised to provide the FBI with information if they would guarantee her refuge in the U.S.

    As the months passed though, she never revealed any new details and eventually told journalists that if she did have any materials, she would only give them to Deripaska. Many journalists concluded that she was likely hitching herself to the Russia investigation in the hope of escaping her legal predicament.

    Kirillov’s partner, Kristina Sheremetyeva, on Thursday told ABC News that FBI agents had visited Vashukevich in Thai prison and asked about the materials, but she had refused to hand anything over. In March, CNN cited a Thai official who said that FBI agents had tried but failed to meet with her.

    This week, a Thai court released Vashukevich and her seven co-defendants after they pleaded guilty to soliciting to provide sexual services. They were deported to Moscow, from where Vashukevich had hoped to fly on to her native Minsk.

    Kristina Sheremetyeva said Thursday that Russia’s charges against Vashukevich and Kirillov were unfounded, and said she had feared possible trouble when they arrived in Moscow, without elaborating further.

    Vashukevich and Kirillov had built a following as self-styled sex experts, holding seminars in Russia and abroad on seduction and promoting themselves as guides to sexual liberation on social media. Vashukevich's book chronicling her alleged affair with Deripaska is framed as a manual for how to seduce an oligarch. In it, she claims her mentor, Kirillov, had advised her to make recordings when she was with Deripaska.

    Vashukevich and Kirillov had been holding one of their seminars when they were arrested in the Thai resort of Pattaya. Initially they were charged with visa infractions, but the charges went through several changes, growing more severe, eventually becoming prostitution-related.

    Kirillov’s wife, Sheremetyeva denied that he and Vashukevich’s had ever had anything in common with prostitution and that their seminars never involved participants having sexual intercourse in them.

    The pair had continued to insist that the shifting charges showed powerful foreign forces were pressuring the Thai police into prosecuting them.]. Some of Vashukevich’s released co-defendants told reporters at the airport they considered the Thai charges against them to have been trumped up.

    In an August interview with The New York Times, Vashukevich seemed to suggest she wanted to reconcile with Deripaska, promising she would only handover the alleged recordings to him at a personal meeting.

    At the Moscow airport on Thursday, Kristina Sheremetyeva said she didn’t think Vashukevich had any recordings that she had once hinted to have.

    “Most likely, those files that interest them so much -- I don’t know what files they would have to be. There aren’t any such files,” Sheremetyeva told ABC News. “Nastya wrote a book about seducing men, she didn’t write there about corruption, or that she heard about some kind of secrets which could, I don’t know, impact the international community.”

  9. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/22/europe/anastasia-vashukevich-released-russia-intl/index.html

    Belarusian model who offered to trade US election info is released from jail.


    Moscow (CNN)A Belarusian model who claimed to have insider knowledge of Russian attempts to meddle in the US elections has been freed from police custody in Moscow, state media reported.

    The model, Anastasia Vashukevich, was detained at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport last Thursday on prostitution allegations after being deported from Thailand, where she had spent nearly a year behind bars for soliciting. She remains a suspect in a prostitution case, TASS reported.
    Vashukevich, along with seven others, pleaded guilty to charges of solicitation and conspiracy at a court in the Thai resort town of Pattaya, where they were arrested in February 2018 while running so-called sex training sessions. They were each sentenced to 18 months in jail but they were released to serve the remainder of their sentence on parole.
    The 28-year-old self-styled "sex expert," who also goes by Nastya Rybka on social media, made international headlines last year when she offered to swap secret audio recordings allegedly shedding light on President Donald Trump's links to Russia for asylum in the United States.
    Vashukevich claimed to have obtained the recordings during her affair with Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, an ex-business associate of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. She told CNN from the Thai detention center last March that she witnessed meetings in 2016 and 2017 between Deripaska and at least three unnamed Americans.
    Deripaska -- who denies any affair -- is a subject of political intrigue in US political circles, owing to his links with Manafort.
    Appearing in court on Saturday, Vashukevich apologized to Deripaska for hurting his reputation.
    Travel restrictions have been placed on Vashukevich so that she can attend future court hearings.
    Vashukevich had planned to return home to Belarus after arriving in Moscow last week. She and the seven others arrested with her were put on a commercial flight to Moscow from Bangkok on Thursday, Thai immigration chief Lt. General Surachate Hakparn said.
    The Belarus-born model was part of a group led by author and free sex advocate Alexander Kirillov.
    It is not known whether Russian officials are interested in speaking to Vashukevich or Kirillov, who told CNN in 2018 that after stumbling upon evidence of Russian government meddling in the 2016 US election, they were in danger of knowing too much.
    "They can kill me here or in Russia," Vashukevich said at the time, speaking through the bars of the Bangkok Immigration Detention Center.


  10. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/15/asia/anastasia-vashukevich-thailand-trial-intl/index.html

    Self-styled 'sex coach' who offered to trade info on US election unexpectedly pleads guilty.


    Pattaya, Thailand (CNN)The prostitution trial of a self-described "sex coach" who claims to have insider knowledge of Moscow's attempts to meddle in the US elections ended abruptly on Tuesday after she unexpectedly pleaded guilty.

    Belarus-born Anastasia Vashukevich and the seven other defendants in the trial admitted to three charges, including soliciting prostitution and "forming and being a member of a secret society."
    The trial had only begun in Thailand on Tuesday and was expected to last several days. The group had originally pleaded not guilty to the charges in August, local media reported.
    Vashukevich made headlines last year when she publicly asked the United States to help free her from a Thai detention center in exchange for information on alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
    Vashukevich, who goes by the name Nastya Rybka on her social media accounts, was part of a group -- led by author and free sex advocate Alexander Kirillov -- which was arrested last February in the Thai resort town of Pattaya while running so-called sex training sessions.
    Thai authorities accused the members of arranging paid sex for those who attended the sessions and charged Vashukevich, Kirillov and six other co-defendents with prostitution and criminal conspiracy in April.
    Wearing prison uniforms, all eight defendants appeared at the Pattaya court on Tuesday.
    Even as early as the morning of the trial, the eight defendants were proclaiming their innocence, but in the afternoon the group unexpectedly decided to change their plea.
    Because it was their first offense and due to their decision to plead guilty, Chief Judge Kasem Supasit sentenced the eight defendants to 18 months in jail.
    They had already spent nine months in prison, so the judge released the defendants to serve their sentences on parole. He also waived a fine of $3,135 (100,000 baht) due to time served.
    In July indictment papers, prosecutors had said that if found guilty, the group could face up to 10 years in prison.
    Col. Apichai Krobpetch, chief of the Pattaya Police, previously told CNN that Vashukevich had been charged after an individual came forward with evidence against her and other members of the group.

    Claims of insider knowledge

    Vashukevich claims to be the former mistress of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, an ex-business associate of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
    She told CNN from the detention center last March that she witnessed several meetings in 2016 and 2017 between Deripaska and at least three unnamed Americans. She refused to name them but said she had photographs of one of the Americans and more than an hour of audio recordings.
    Vashukevich and Kirillov told CNN they were afraid to reveal potentially compromising information in the event they are deported to Russia, where they are believed to have been previously based.
    Deripaska -- who denies any affair -- is a subject of political intrigue in US political circles, owing to his links with Manafort. The aluminum baron has close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and was recently included on a US Treasury Department list of Russian government officials and 96 oligarchs with a net worth of $1 billion or more.
    Anastasia Vashukevich, center, and Alexander Kirillov, left, arrive at the immigration detention center in Bangkok on February 28.
    Anastasia Vashukevich, center, and Alexander Kirillov, left, arrive at the immigration detention center in Bangkok on February 28.
    When he was confronted by CNN in 2017, Deripaska called allegations that he may have been a back channel from the Kremlin to the Trump campaign "fake news."
    Regarding his alleged relationship with Vashukevich, a representative for Deripaska told CNN last March: "This is clearly an attempt by Anastasia Vashukevich (aka Nastya Rybka) to politicize the accusations of the Thai police. There have been endless fictitious stories told by her, all serving to distract the public from real violations, including very serious breaches of law of many countries."


  11. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russian-sex-guru-anastasia-vashukevich-vladimir-putin-oleg-deripaska-thailand/

    PATTAYA, Thailand -- A Russian sex guru and his followers, one of whom claims to have evidence of Moscow's interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, emerged briefly on Tuesday for a Thai court hearing after being held virtually incommunicado in an immigration jail. The group's leader, Alexander Kirillov, and the woman making the election claims, Anastasia Vashukevich, were among about half a dozen people taken to a court in the resort town of Pattaya, where they were arrested Feb. 25 while holding a sex training course.

    Unashamed sexual activity is business as usual for Pattaya, which is infamous for its sordid nightlife, but the allegations by Vashukevich, who uses the name Nastya Rybka on her racy social media postings, have drawn worldwide attention. She says she provided "escort" services to Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch close to President Vladimir Putin, and claims to have audio recordings of him that provide evidence of meddling in the U.S. polls.

    Tuesday's court calendar said they were there for testimony over the charge that they conducted the course without a work permit. The session was closed and it was unclear if they had legal representation. Foreigners found working without a work permit can face fines of up to 100,000 baht ($3,200) and imprisonment for up to five years.


    anastasia-vashukevich-instagram.jpg An Instagram post by Belarusian national Anastasia Vashukevich, who uses the name Nastya Rybka online, shows her in Thailand.INSTAGRAM

    Police last week added additional charges against them of soliciting, which carries a maximum prison term of 10 years, and conspiracy, with up to seven years.

    Kirillov, also known as Alex Lesley, and Vashukevich managed to smuggle out a letter after they were arrested which was delivered by a friend to the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, asking for asylum and saying they had important information about the U.S. election.

    They also said they feared for their personal safety, especially if deported to Russia. Vashukevich repeated her claims in comments to reporters before Thai authorities cut off media access to her in the immigration detention center in Bangkok where the group is being held.

    The two were able to briefly shout back answers to reporters' questions as they arrived Tuesday at the court in Pattaya.

    Asked what he wished to tell the U.S., Kirillov responded in English: "Help us. Help us any way because we don't know what is happening."

    THAILAND-RUSSIA-US-ELECTION-SEX-POLITICS Detained Russian Alexander Kirillov, a self-styled sex guru, arrives at a holding cell to face trial at a court in Pattaya on April 17, 2018, following a police raid on a sex training course.GETTY

    Vashukevich, who has complained about the legal process, made reference to the latest charges. "Because they close first case and open new one. For nothing. No evidence. Nothing," she said in English.

    The group was arrested during one of its fully clothed "lessons" in a hotel meeting room which was attended by about 40 Russian tourists, many wearing T-shirts saying "Sex animator" in English with an arrow pointing to the wearer's crotch.

    Vashukevich, who carries a passport from Belarus, became the center of a public scandal in early February when Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny published an investigation drawing on her social media posts suggesting corrupt links between billionaire Deripaska and a top Kremlin official, Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko.

    The report featured video from Deripaska's yacht in 2016, when Vashukevich claims she was having an affair with him and allegedly recorded him talking about Russian interference in U.S. politics.

    Deripaska has been linked to Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign manager who has been indicted on money laundering charges in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election.

  12. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/anastasia-vashukevich-model-sex-guru-claims-donald-trump-russia-links-thailand/#

    PATTAYA, Thailand -- A Belarusian woman jailed in Thailand for offering sex lessons without a work permit says she has a story to tell involving the Kremlin, Russian billionaires and even the president of the United States. Anastasia Vashukevich, whose extraordinary claims and racy selfies have propelled her to internet fame in recent weeks, told The Associated Press from a police van Wednesday that she fears for her life, and wants to exchange information on alleged Russian ties to Donald Trump's campaign for her own personal safety. But she refused for now to offer any such evidence, and it's not clear if she has any.

    Vashukevich's story offers a glimpse into the shady world of Russian oligarchs. Mr. Trump's onetime campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, also had ties to that world through his consulting work for one of those oligarchs. Manafort has been indicted on money-laundering charges related to his overseas consulting work by special counsel Robert Mueller. But Mueller has offered no evidence that Manafort linked his Russian contacts to Mr. Trump's campaign or helped Russia meddle in the 2016 U.S. election.

    That has not stopped Vashukevich from claiming she has such evidence as she faces possible deportation.
















    Thailand Russia Trump  

















  13. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/model-with-2016-secret-fights-to-escape-russia-deripaska-s-reach-1429664835810

    Rachel Maddow revisits the story of Belarusian model Anastasia Vashukevich, whose apparently accidental exposure of oligarch Oleg Deripaska's role in the 2016 U.S. presidential election has been met with legal pressure and personal peril as questions linger about the existence of further evidence.


  14. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/-sex-trainer-who-exposed-deripaska-in-video-arrested-in-russia-1428086851933

    Rachel Maddow updates the story of Belarusian model Anastasia Vashukevich, whose fortunes as a sex trainer took a dramatic turn when she shared a video that may have contained evidence of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska's interest in the 2016 U.S. election. After being release from a Thai prison and deported, she was promptly arrested in Russia while en route to Belarus.


  15. While you weren't Looking: The New York Times reports that a Belarusian escort named Anastasia Vashukevich claims to have more than 16 hours of audio recordings that show Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election. Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael Mcfaul joins Katy to discuss.з

  16. «Дневник по соблазнению миллиардера или клон для олигарха.»


    Настя, фанатка Алекса после прохождения мастерского тренинга по соблазнению летит в Норвегию на рыбалку к каким то странным людям, имена которых тщательно скрывали, нельзя снимать на камеру ничего даже яхту, не говоря уже о людях. Оттуда она ведет трансляции и  играет с владельцем яхты, нарушает все его правила и соблазняет его. Что бы общаться при олигархе со своим тренером для конспирации в телефоне она переименовывает Лесли в «Мама». Настя Рыбка общается с Алексом по вотсапу пересылает ему все свои разговоры и получает подробные инструкции и корректировки своих действий онлайн. Алекс дает задания Насте, которые она выполняет на миллиардере, сносит ему крышу и устраивает на яхте показательное шоу «на что способна Охотница».


    Чуть позже после возвращения Насти из поездки Алекс Лесли выясняет, что она встречалась с миллиардером, который был на крайне секретной встрече с неким «папой» - гуру российской внешней политики и третьим человеком в Кремле.


    Алекс понимает, что они с Настей могут находиться в опасности из-за того, каким свидетелем уже была Настя на яхте и информации, которая есть в их телефонах. Алекс понимает, что в какой то момент их обоих могут зачистить, так как данные об их общении с Настей точно остались в логах системы безопасности раздающей вайфай на яхте миллиардера. Алекс берет консультацию у своего знакомого специализирующегося на безопасности, который говорит им что тот факт, что они оба были свидетелями той секретной встречи на яхте уже точно кто то знает. И рано или поздно все равно это всплывет. Лучший вариант защиты в таком случае будет ничего не скрывать. 


    Алекс летит в Европу, где встречается с Настей и предлагает ей продолжить игру с миллиардером исполняя «классические ходы по соблазнению» которым она уже научилась на тренинге. Это написание книги о том, как она соблазнила олигарха. Описать в книге все как было, издать ее и подарить олигарху. С одной стороны - это вскроем ему ее игру с ним, с другой стороны покажет его службе безопасности, что Настя действует в открытую и просто ее прибить не будет выходом, так как материал стал публичным. Такой ход - это и безопасность Насти и одновременно продолжение ее игры с миллиардером в открытую. 

    Имена и страны в книге были изменены для конспирации. Цели светить олигарха на тот момент не было. Настя хочет продолжать соблазнять его, она влюблена в него и ей хорошо с ним. 


    В Швейцарии Алекс вместе с Настей, отключив для безопасности всю связь с внешним миром, создают книгу « Дневник по соблазнению миллиардера», когда книга была готова Алекс связывается с ЭКСМО - известным издательством с которым сотрудничает сам и в котором вот уже десять лет публикует свои книги.

    Важнейшим условием было сделать единственным автором Настю Рыбку. Но такое известное издательство не берет никому не известных «авторов с порога». Алекс ручается за Настю перед издательством. Он рассказывает, что написал крутую книгу про соблазнение своей ученицей миллиардера. Отправляет в издательство рукопись и настаивает, что единственным автором должна стоять Настя Рыбка. Со своей стороны он гарантирует ее пиар и раскрутку. ЭКСМО выносит условие, что на обложке будет указано хотя бы «Алекс Лесли рекомендует» так как «девочку никто не знает, и книгу могут не купить». 

    ЭКСМО недоумевает почему Алекс не хочет быть соавтором. 

    - Книга - ход в игре, Настин будущий подарок ее мужчине. Тому самому миллиардеру и потом будет продолжение - заверяет Алекс ЭКСМО. - Поэтому неуместно, чтобы в соавторах стоял какой-то другой мужчина, так как миллиардер ревнив и не поймет этого. 


    Книга выходит Алекс Лесли с его командой прикладывают максимальные усилия по пиару книги, так, чтобы до миллиардера эта новость дошла сама по себе. А Настя уже на следующей встрече смогла бы ему подарить книгу. Их следующая встреча происходить в тот момент, когда книга еще не вышла в бумажном экземпляре, поэтому Настя решает «рвать ему крышу» тем, что дарит миллиардеру книгу Алекса Лесли «Жизнь без трусов», которая оформлена в формате «Практикум по физике» в суперобложке. Она преподносит ему книгу как учебник по физике. Сперва миллиардер говорит, что что-то подобное он уже читал, так как сам он физик, но когда открывает – понимает, что эта книга про соблазнение. 

     Настя сообщает ему, что она на нем отрабатывает фишки по соблазнению, которые описаны в этой книге. Но он отмахивается от книги и говорит, что «это ему не нужно уже в его возрасте». Настя записывает все что происходит на встрече на диктофон и отправляет это Лесли, чтобы похвастаться перед ним.


    Алекс инструктирует Настю, которая каждое следующее задание подробно записывает себе в дневник, изучая реакции миллиардера. 

    Специально для игры Насти с олигархом Алекс создает чат из 30 своих самых лучших Мастеров, который называет «креативная группа», там все вместе они живо обсуждают ходы, которые может предпринять Настя для соблазнения миллиардера. Они создают около 35 ходов для Насти, и она каждое из них немного видоизменяя под себя и ситуацию выполняет на миллиардере. Игра ее завлекает и затягивает, затягивает и миллиардера. Ему необычно видеть такое интересное и креативное поведение у девушки, он на это подсаживается. 


    Вторая встреча с миллиардером описывается в книге, которую в силу различных причин решили не издавать. 


    Третья встреча Насти Рыбки с миллиардером происходит в Европе. Где происходит веселая история, которую Алекс с Настей описывают в книге Евротрэш. В ней происходит глум высочайшей степени над всем. (История создания книги «Евротрэш» описана в соответствующем разделе форума.) 


    В 2017 году Настя Рыбка принимает решение засветить всю историю, как ответный ход Олигарху (ревность Насти к одной из пассий миллиардера). Она выпускает в сеть видео ролик - микс из всех видео, которые она сняла за все это время находясь рядом с ним. Основная линия ее игры с олигархом базировалась на том, что она якобы не знает кто он такой. Она думает, что он обычный мужчина, который косит под очень богатого. Настя считая что у него «боязнь камеры и селфибоязнь» лечит его постоянной съемкой и селфи с ним. Миллиардер поддерживал эту игру, он постоянно забавно «уворачивался» от камеры, и убегал от Насти.


    В 2018 году Алексей Навальный использовав материалы книги и видео ролики которые Настя публиковала в своем Инстаграмм создал публичное расследование. В котором показал всю историю в видоизмененном виде. Назвав Настю проституткой и в негативном свете расписав отношения Насти и миллиардера. Гвоздем расследования был факт присутствия на яхте высокопоставленного чиновника из Кремля, который является серым кардиналом российской власти и гуру внешней политики России, и кусочек фразы из шуточного общения Насти, миллиардера, и этого чиновника об отношениях с Америкой. 


    Алексей Навальный подчеркнул, что миллиардер сейчас находится под подозрением в связи с начальником предвыборного штаба Трампа в 2016 году. От чего миллиардер открещивался, и говорил, что никак с политикой не связан. Навальный подчеркивает в расследовании, что миллиардер встречается с гуру внешней политики России на яхте именно в тот месяц, когда по данным американского обвинения глава предвыборного штаба Трампа предлагает ему секретную информацию о ходе предвыборной компании Трампа. И Навальный предполагает, что эта тайная встреча в Норвегии на яхте с человеком определяющим стратегию внешней политики России была с целью передачи Кремлю секретной информации от главы предвыборной компании Трампа. 


    Далее начинается история, описанная в новой книге Алекса Лесли «Go to fish» - международная охота на рыбку в которой засвечены службы разведок трех стран, 6 генералов, русских спецслужб,  истерика у интернациональной прессы и заголовки американских и национальных СМИ, сенсация на американском телевидении и хайп на всю планету, тюрьмы, агенты, аресты в Таиланде и России, фабрикации уголовных дел, и грандиозный гео-политический скандал, который Кремль и Белый дом тушили всеми способами включая заказные интервью у блоггера Амирана и Ксении Собчак, и неявным приказом с самого высшего уровня российскому телевидению и издательствам. Алекс Лесли и Настя Рыбка по сей день являются персонами «про которых нельзя говорить».  


    В результате этого глобального гео-политического секс скандала произошли сдвиги в правительстве России. Миллиардер попал под личные санкции США, потеряв 7 миллиардов долларов. Произошла миграция капитала из США в Россию инициированная претендентом незаконных личных санкций США и разорением одного из самых непотопляемых олигархов России. После такой наглости США, все топовые Российские олигархи начали выводить все свои активы из юрисдикции США в российскую офшорную зону, специально созданную по указу президента для спасения русского бизнеса от санкций. 


    Книга «Дневник по соблазнению миллиардера» указом свыше запрещена к публикации. Официальный ответ ЭКСМО – «на книгу нет спроса». 


    Ксюша Собчак в своем шоу призналась, что она для подготовки к передаче выкупила обе книги Алекса и Насти за 10 000 рублей (по 5000 рублей каждая). Книга «Дневник по соблазнению миллиардера» стала библиографической редкостью. 


    Настя Рыбка под угрозами ФСБ не создавать больше никаких проектов совместно с Алексом Лесли (это было одним из условий и рекомендаций перед выходом Насти на свободу в России, после незаконного похищения ее сотрудниками ФСБ из транзитной зоны Шереметьево при депортации из Таиланда в Белоруссию) прекращает работать с ним. Настя превращается из последователя и адепта школы Алекса Лесли в его открытого публичного хейтера и антогониста. Она призывает нарушать и не следовать принципам «Кодекса Мастера и Охотницы», и всячески пытается изобличить Алекса, его тренинги и методики по которым она так старательно училась, которым следовала во время соблазнения олигарха и становления себя как известной личности. Она крайне не рекомендует своим последователям следовать советам и методикам школы Лесли. И распространяет фото-видео, компрометирующие Алекса. 

    Людей до сих пор интересуют подробности скандала Насти Рыбки, Алекса Лесли и миллиардера, они часто задают вопросы в прямых эфирах Насте в инстаграм и она открыто негативно высказывается в сторону своего бывшего тренера и наставника.


    В мае 2019 года она публично высказалась о том, что выходит из состава соавторов книги «Go to fish». Она публично обвинила Алекса Лесли в отказе передать ей авторские права на книгу «Дневник по соблазнению миллиардера», которые Алекс якобы отказался ей передать предложив ей личную встречу для обсуждения условий передачи прав. Настя в свою очередь исключила возможность личной встречи с Алексом и какого-либо сотрудничества с ним. 

    Настя Рыбка в данный момент ведет творческую музыкальную деятельность, записывает песни и создает свой дебютный альбом. Она ведет успешную тренерскую деятельность, открыла свою школу соблазнения, снимается у известных мировых фотографов для люксовой рекламы. Путешествует по миру, живет в пятизвездочных отелях, получает в подарки автомобили люкс класса от ее новых фанатов. И наслаждается жизнью звезды, которую знает вся планета. 


    Записывайся на тренинг Охота и читай книгу «Охота на самца» ;)








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    Sex coach who claims to have US election dirt charged with prostitution


    By Kocha Olarn and Ivan Watson, CNN


    Updated 1619 GMT (0019 HKT) April 5, 2018 

    Jailed seductress promises US-Russia secrets

    Jailed seductress promises US-Russia secrets 03:48

    Bangkok (CNN)A self-styled sex coach who claims to have insider knowledge of Moscow's attempts to meddle in the US election has been charged with prostitution in Thailand.

    Anastasia Vashukevich made headlines last month when she publicly asked the United States to help free her from a Thai detention center in exchange for information on alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
    Col. Apichai Krobpetch, the chief of the Pattaya Police Station, said the Belarus-born Vashukevich and friends she was detained with were charged after an individual came forward with evidence against the group. 
    Krobpetch said the evidence from the individual, whom he refused to name, was strong enough that authorities could now pursue charges that Vashukevich had arranged sexual activities in return for payment.
    If found guilty, she could face two to six years in prison and a fine of up to 40,000 baht ($1,280). Vashukevich has not yet appeared in court in relation to the charge so has not entered a plea.
    Vashukevich, who goes by the name Nastya Rybka on her social-media accounts, was part of a group led by author and free sex advocate Alexander Kirillov arrested in February in the Thai resort town of Pattaya while running so-called sex training sessions. She has not yet entered a plea.
    Thai police previously confirmed they were processing paperwork to deport the two back to Russia on charges relating to visa violations. The pair denied the charges. If they do not receive prison time, they will be deported once legal proceedings conclude.
    Anastasia Vashukevich, center, and Alexander Kirillov, left, arrive at the immigration detention center in Bangkok on February 28.
    Anastasia Vashukevich, center, and Alexander Kirillov, left, arrive at the immigration detention center in Bangkok on February 28.
    Vashukevich claims to be the former mistress of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, an ex-business associate of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
    She told CNN from the detention center last month that she witnessed several meetings in 2016 and 2017 between Deripaska and at least three unnamed Americans. She refused to name them but said she had photographs of one of the Americans and more than an hour of audio recordings. 
    Vashukevich and Kirillov told CNN they were afraid to reveal potentially compromising information in the event they are deported back to Russia.
    A highly placed source at Thailand's Immigration Bureau told CNN last month that the FBI tried to meet with the group last month but was turned away.
    A screengrab from Vashukevich's instagram account.
    A screengrab from Vashukevich's instagram account. 
    Deripaska -- who denies any affair -- is a subject of political intrigue in US political circles, owing to his links with Manafort. The aluminum baron has close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and was recently included on a US Treasury Department list of Russian government officials and 96 oligarchs with a net worth of $1 billion or more.
    When he was confronted by CNN last year, Deripaska called allegations that he may have been a back channel from the Kremlin to the Trump campaign "fake news."
    Regarding his alleged relationship with Vashukevich, a representative for Deripaska told CNN last month: "This is clearly an attempt by Anastasia Vashukevich (aka Nastya Rybka) to politicize the accusations of the Thai police. There have been endless fictitious stories told by her, all serving to distract the public from real violations, including very serious breaches of law of many countries."

    CNN's Joshua Berlinger and Emma Burrows contributed to this report.

  18. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/03/13/asia/thai-russian-sex-coaches-lawyers-intl/index.html


    FBI tried to contact 'sex coaches' in Thai jail

    By Ivan Watson and Kocha Olarn, CNN


    Updated 1537 GMT (2337 HKT) March 13, 2018 

    Jailed seductress promises US-Russia secrets
    Bangkok, Thailand (CNN)FBI agents have tried to meet a pair of self-styled "sex coaches" detained in a Bangkok jail who claim to have evidence of Russian meddling in the 2016 US election, a senior Thai official told CNN.
    Belarussian citizens Anastasia Vashukevich and Alexander Kirillov sent a handwritten letter last month to the US Embassy in Bangkok asking for help in getting them released in exchange for information on alleged meddling in the US presidential election.
    The FBI agents contacted Thailand's Immigration bureau last week to try to organize the meeting, the highly placed source in the department said.
    The request was refused by Thai officials because only legal representatives and family members of the detainees are permitted access to the detainees, added the source, who is not authorized to speak to media.
    Asked about the FBI's attempt to meet the pair, a spokesperson for the US embassy in Bangkok referred CNN to a statement released last week.
    "We are aware of media reports of this individual's arrest. She is not a US citizen, and we would refer you to Thai law enforcement for further questions," it said.
    A screengrab from Vashukevich's instagram account.
    A screengrab from Vashukevich's instagram account.

    Sex training seminar

    Vashukevich -- who is widely known by her social media pen-name Nastya Rybka -- and her boyfriend and mentor, Kirillov, who goes by the pseudonym Alex Lesley, were among ten Russian-speaking "sex coaches" arrested on February 25, when Thai police raided their week-long sex training seminar in the resort town of Pattaya.
    They claim Russia orchestrated their arrest to stop them from revealing incriminating evidence - which Russia denies.
    Vashukevich claims she has proof of Russian interference in the 2016 US election in the form of more than an hour of audio recordings and photos of meetings. None of the alleged recordings or photos of those meetings have been made public.
    Vashukevich, who claims to be the former mistress of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, says she witnessed several meetings in 2016 and 2017 between Deripaska and at least three unnamed Americans.
    Deripaska -- who denies any affair -- is a subject of political intrigue in US political circles, owing to his longstanding relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    When he was confronted by CNN last year, Deripaska called allegations that he may have been a back channel from the Kremlin to the Trump campaign "fake news."
    A police officer escorts Anastasia Vashukevich from a detention center in Pattaya, south of Bangkok, Thailand, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018.
    A police officer escorts Anastasia Vashukevich from a detention center in Pattaya, south of Bangkok, Thailand, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018.
    Vashukevich came into the spotlight after publishing footage from social media of a 2016 meeting on a private yacht between Deripaska and Russian deputy prime minister Sergey Prikhodko, during which the two men could be heard discussing Russia's poor relationship with the United States.
    Prikhodko has denied multiple requests for comment on these accusations.
    Deripaska is an ex-business associate of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
    Manafort, who provided investment and consulting services to Deripaska, worked for the Russian billionaire about a decade ago, according to both men.
    Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny argued the yacht excursion provided evidence of corruption at the highest levels of Russian government -- and serves as a link between Russia and the Trump campaign -- which the Kremlin has repeatedly denied. President Trump has also repeatedly denied there was ever any collusion with Russia.

    'Please USA help us' 

    After her arrest in Pattaya last month, Vashukevich posted a video on her Instagram account recorded inside a police vehicle appealing for help.
    "If we go back to Russia we will die in Russian's [sic] prison or they will kill us," she said. "This is very serious ... Please USA help us not to die from Russians!"
    Thai officials have not confirmed when the suspects are due to appear in court, but said the police investigation into the group has been completed.
    A Thai Immigration Bureau official told CNN that if the group is deported, they will either be sent back to their native country "or a country they want to go to with conditions."

  19. Post-Soviet swingers versus the Kremlin

    By Ivan Watson, CNN 


    Updated 1507 GMT (2307 HKT) March 11, 2018 


    Bangkok (CNN)The sex guru from Belarus and his protégé/lover preached empowerment through what they described as "the art of seduction." They promoted themselves in books and on social media as masters of manipulation, but then this strange swinging pair suddenly found themselves desperate and frightened, and stuck in a jail in Thailand. 

    They claimed that after stumbling upon evidence of Russian government meddling in the 2016 US election, they were in danger of knowing too much. 
    "They can kill me here or in Russia," the 21-year-old Anastasia Vashukevich told me, speaking through the bars of the sweltering Bangkok Immigration Detention Center last Monday. 
    Vashukevich is better known by her social media stage-name Nastya Rybka.
    A police officer escorts Anastasia Vashukevich from a detention center in Pattaya, south of Bangkok, Thailand, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018, after she was arrested Sunday in the Thai resort city of Pattaya while giving sex lessons to Russian tourists.
    A police officer escorts Anastasia Vashukevich from a detention center in Pattaya, south of Bangkok, Thailand, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018, after she was arrested Sunday in the Thai resort city of Pattaya while giving sex lessons to Russian tourists. 
    But first, full disclosure. This is one of the strangest stories I've ever covered. It involves a community of libertines with a pseudo-intellectual belief system espousing freedom through sex. 
    Last month, they were arrested along with eight of their fellow "sex coaches" when Thai police raided their week-long sex training seminar on its last day.
    There is something about the arrest of these self-styled sex coaches in a coastal resort notorious for prostitution and seedy peep shows that just doesn't add up.
    Supporters of the couple claim the Russian government orchestrated their arrest to stop them leaking compromising information, accusations that were of course denied by the Kremlin.
    In her unusual memoir "Who Wants to Seduce a Billionaire," Rybka promises her readers: "I will analyze my every step, letting you in on strategies to manipulate the richest people on the planet."
    She also gives credit to her "incredible seduction guru" Alex Lesley, a Belarusian writer and leader of a group of self-styled sexual revolutionaries in the former Soviet Union named Alexander Kirillov.
    "Without him none of this would have happened," she wrote.
    Few of us will ever read Rybka's tawdry memoir, because the English translation was never published. With chapter titles like "Threesome with Marina and Ruslan" and "The sex with another girl trick," Rybka describes "techniques of seduction" taught to her by Lesley.
    Rybka was thrust into a different spotlight rather suddenly last month, after Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny posted this video on his YouTube channel. The video has garnered more than 6.5 million views since it was published on February 8 this year.
    In her book, Rybka had changed the name of the billionaire she claimed to seduce. But Navalny's team married her social media posts with details from the book as well as records of the movements of a Russian oligarch's private yacht in the fjords of Norway. 
    Navalny said he was able to conclude with confidence that the oligarch she had "targeted" was aluminum baron Oleg Deripaska, a billionaire recently included on a US Treasury Department list of Russian government officials and 96 oligarchs with a net worth of $1 billion or more. Navalny claimed that Deripaska had hosted Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko on his yacht "Elden," and argued this was an example of corruption at the highest levels of the Russian government. 
    Navalny is Russia's most high-profile opposition leader, an outspoken anti-corruption crusader and fierce critic of the Kremlin. He has been barred from running in upcoming presidential elections due to a prior embezzlement conviction, which he claims was politically motivated. 
    Rybka says she was Deripaska's mistress for over a year. And even though photos show Rybka draped over Deripaska on the yacht, the billionaire's spokespeople deny he had an affair with the young woman. Prikhodko has denied multiple requests from CNN to comment on the issue. 
    Friends say that after Navalny published his video investigation on YouTube, Rybka's "incredible seduction guru" Lesley suddenly got spooked. They say he feared he and Rybka would be targeted by powerful Russians embarrassed by the video.
    "He said 'f***, they're gonna kill us ... I don't know what to do,'" says Lesley's longtime friend Grigori Kogan, a Russian-Israeli software engineer, recalling phone calls with Lesley last February.
    Lesley and Rybka travelled to Dubai from Thailand in an attempt to lie low. From there, they asked a Canadian member of their movement to reach out to US authorities for protection.
    The Canadian, a Russian-speaking immigrant from Israel named Eliot Cooper, told me on Thursday he tried to contact the FBI through a hotline to offer evidence of Russian election meddling in exchange for US protection. But he claims US law enforcement didn't seem to be interested. CNN has not independently verified his claim.
    US names Russian oligarchs in 'Putin list'


    US names Russian oligarchs in 'Putin list' 02:20
    He believes Rybka has evidence that would interest the Americans. In her book, she describes how Lesley instructed her to surreptitiously record hours of conversations on her phone while she was with Deripaska.
    "She accumulated about 80 gigabytes of audio and video observation," Cooper says.
    "They realized later on in those recordings they have discussions between Prikhodko and Deripaska about manipulating American elections ... proving businesses affiliated with Deripaska are involved in faking news and faking some messages," Cooper claims.
    Deripaska and the Kremlin have repeatedly denied playing any role in trying to influence the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election. 
    As for Rybka, Lesley and their supporters, they have so far withheld the release of any evidence that might back up their claims.
    But that didn't stop Lesley from clearly being frightened that he had offended powerful Russians.
    In an Instagram post on February 15th after what he described as "Rybka-gate" went public, Lesley wrote "they say we're gonna die soon so it means we have to f*** like it's the last time." 
    Cooper says that after US law enforcement appeared to show no interest in Rybka's audio recordings, Lesley concluded that the pair no longer posed a threat to the Kremlin.
    "This is his big mistake," Cooper says.
    He went on to promote a previously-scheduled "sexual training course" that friends say he had been teaching in Thailand for at least five years. 
    Pavlo Yunko, a 32-year old Ukrainian-American acolyte of Lesley's, traveled all the way from New York to Thailand to attend the course.
    During the seminar, which included among other things tips for dating, Yunko says Lesley told him he wanted to accompany Yunko back to the US.
    A still image taken from an AFPTV footage shows police officers detaining opposition leader Alexei Navalny during a rally calling for a boycott of March 18 presidential elections, Moscow, January 28, 2018.
    A still image taken from an AFPTV footage shows police officers detaining opposition leader Alexei Navalny during a rally calling for a boycott of March 18 presidential elections, Moscow, January 28, 2018.
    "He wanted to fly with me to meet officials and tell them what he knows about the Russian influence into the US election," Yunko told me in an interview in Bangkok on March 4. 
    Yunko says there were around 40 people in the seminar, the majority of whom were men. 
    "It was a seduction training, communication training, about relationship," he says. Yunko, who works in real estate in New York and freelances as an Uber driver, insists there was no pornography or nudity in the seminar and that the meetings were chemical free in adherence with Lesley's teachings.
    "Nobody's drinking, no alcohol, no drugs," he says. 
    As attendees were waiting to receive their "diplomas" on the last day of the course at the Ibis Hotel in Pattaya, Thai police burst into the hotel conference room and began arresting self-described "sex coaches."
    "They never let me get my diploma," Yunko said later, ruefully shaking his head.
    From the back of a police paddy wagon on February 28th, Rybka made a video she then posted on her Instagram account, saying she wanted to share her Deripaska videos and audio recordings with journalists.
    But when I met her and Lesley during visiting hours in jail several days later, they had changed their tune.
    "Now we don't want to give information," Lesley said, standing barefoot behind two layers of bars. 
    He reasoned that if they were deported back to Russia, they would suffer worse punishment if compromising recordings were made public. He still though wanted to give the evidence to US investigators.
    Since my visit last Monday, however, Thai authorities have refused to allow any of the couples' supporters to communicate with the detainees.
    Lieutenant General Suthipong Wongpin, chief of the Immigration Bureau, said this was "to prevent the group from giving untrue information to the media which could harm the country's image."
    He said a lawyer could theoretically submit a request for a visit.
    But friends of Lesley and Rybka concede that they are woefully unprepared for the current situation.
    "We're all learning new stuff, how to talk to lawyers," says Cooper, speaking on the phone from Canada.
    The group have has struggled to find decent legal representation. 
    For several days, they worked with a Bangkok-based Russian-speaker who describes herself as a legal adviser and private investigator, but unbeknownst to them, this individual offered to sell CNN surreptitiously-filmed footage of the detainees in jail. CNN rejected the offer. Then, the P.I. quit.
    For now, police are accusing the suspects of working without proper permits.
    They say the suspects will eventually be deported after a court appearance.
    The question of where or when they will be made to leave Thailand is still unclear.
    After spending a week pursuing this story, I still have no idea whether or not there is any truth to the couple's wild and tantalizing claims.
    Rybka certainly spent time alongside some very powerful Russian people, but the writing of the self-styled seductress, and her mentor, reveal delusions of grandeur and constant self-promotion.
    What's behind the bravado, the fear shared by Rybka, Lesley and their supporters is very real. They truly believe they're in danger because they know too much.
    And I have no idea how their strange story will end.

    CNN's Kocha Olarn also contributed to this report

  20. Jailed Russian 'sex coaches' offer to trade election info for US asylum

    By Ivan Watson and Kocha Olarn, CNN


    Updated 1604 GMT (0004 HKT) March 6, 2018 



    Bangkok, Thailand (CNN)From behind bars in a sweltering immigration detention center in Bangkok, a self-styled "sex coach" who claims to have detailed insider knowledge of Russian meddling in the US election says she wants to cooperate with US investigators. 

    The catch? She says the US government needs to grant her political asylum.
    Belarus-born Anastasia Vashukevich claims she has proof of Russian interference in the 2016 US election in the form of more than an hour of audio recordings and photos of meetings.
    "I am ready to help with an investigation if they help us get out of here," says the 21-year old.
    None of the alleged recordings or photos of those meetings have been made public.

    'A plan for the election'

    Vashukevich's arrival in this Thai detention center is a bizarre and tangled saga. 
    Vashukevich, who also goes by the pseudonym Nastya Rybka, was part of a group led by author and free sex advocate Alexander Kirillov arrested in February in the Thai resort town of Pattaya while running so-called "sex training" sessions.
    Thai police confirmed they are processing the paperwork for the eventual deportation of Vashukevich and Kirillov on charges relating to visa violations, back to Russia.
    On Monday CNN met with Vashukevich and Kirillov inside the detention center. The scene was chaotic, loud and miserably hot. 
    Vashukevich spoke through bars within touching distance of Kirillov, who stood barefoot with other male prisoners behind a second row of bars.
    Vashukevich, who claims to be the former mistress of Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, says she witnessed several meetings in 2016 and 2017 between Deripaska and at least three un-named Americans.
    Deripaska -- who denies any affair -- is a subject of political intrigue in US political circles, owing to his longstanding relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    "They had a plan for the election," says Vashukevich of the men.
    When he was confronted by CNN last year, Deripaska called allegations that he may have been a back channel from the Kremlin to the Trump campaign "fake news." 
    Regarding his alleged relationship with Vashukevich, a spokesperson for Deripaska told CNN: "This is clearly an attempt by Anastasia Vashukevitch (aka Nastya Rybka) to politicize the accusations of the Thai police. There have been endless fictitious stories told by her, all serving to distract the public from real violations, including very serious breaches of law of many countries."
    Vashukevich says she has photos of one of the Americans meeting with Deripaska, as well as more than an hour of audio recordings.
    But she refuses to name the Americans. 
    Vashukevich and Kirillov told CNN they are afraid to reveal potentially compromising information, in the event they are deported back to Russia.
    They have made public appeals to the US government to speak to them, but they say so far no US official has visited them in jail.
    "If I was an ambassador and there was information affecting the country I love and I didn't do anything, it would be very silly," Vashukevich told CNN. 
    Anastasia Vashukevich, center, and Alexander Kirillov, left, arrive at the immigration detention center in Bangkok on February 28.
    Anastasia Vashukevich, center, and Alexander Kirillov, left, arrive at the immigration detention center in Bangkok on February 28.

    'A matter of life or death'

    Back outside the detention center, Pavlo Yunko, a Ukrainian-American tourist who says he paid around $400 to attend Vashukevich and Kirillov's week-long "sex training" course, described the predicament now facing the pair as "a matter of life and death."
    Yunko claims to have been passed a hand-written note from Kirillov shortly after his arrest, which he says he personally delivered to an official at the US Embassy in Bangkok.
    "We ask you political asylim [sic] and help us and protect us as quickly as possible, because we have very important information for USA and we risk our lives very much," read the note.
    "We have photo-video-audio of crymes [sic] of Russian government and I give them USA if you help us," he added.
    Jillian Bonnardeaux, a spokesperson for the US Embassy in Bangkok, told CNN on Monday she was aware of media reports of the arrests and the letter seeking asylum, but referred inquiries to Thai law enforcement.
    "We refer all inquiries about asylum and asylum procedures to the DHS," Bonnardeaux added, referring to the US Department of Homeland Security.

    Strange days are these 

    Vashukevich came into the spotlight after publishing footage from social media of a 2016 meeting on a private yacht between Deripaska and Russian deputy prime minister Sergey Prikhodko, during which the two men could be heard discussing Russia's poor relationship with the United States.
    Deripaska is an ex-business associate of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
    Manafort, who provided investment and consulting services to Deripaska, worked for the Russian billionaire about a decade ago, according to both men.
    According to emails described to The Washington Post, Manafort, through an intermediary, offered to provide Deripaska with "private briefings" about the state of the Trump campaign.
    Speaking to CNN, a spokesperson for Deripaska denied allegations that the billionaire received any communications regarding private briefings.
    A screengrab from Vashukevich's instagram account.
    A screengrab from Vashukevich's instagram account. 
    Manafort's spokesman told the Post that any briefing offered on the state of the campaign would have been "routine," but that no briefings took place.
    While on the way to detention in Thailand, Vashukevich published a video on her Instagram account begging US journalists to help her.
    "I'm ready to give you all the missing puzzle pieces, support them with videos and audios, regarding the connections of our respected lawmakers with Trump, Manafort and the rest. I know a lot. I'm waiting for your offers and I'm waiting for you in a Thai prison," she said.
    On Monday, speaking inside the detention center, Kirillov repeated this claim, saying he had seen photos of one of the unnamed Americans meeting with Deripaska.
    Kirillov claims he tried and failed through a friend to contact the FBI while in Dubai in February. He also says he planned to travel to the US to try to meet with US officials after the week-long "sex training course" he ran in Pattaya. Those plans were foiled when Thai police burst into the last session of the sex course.

    Free sex advocates 

    The claims made by Vashukevich and Kirillov might not normally hold much water.
    Both describe themselves as free sex advocates whose Instagram feeds are full of scantily clad photos of themselves cavorting with other half-naked young women.
    But allegations and revelations of an affair Vashukevich made in her book "Diary of the Seduction of a Billionaire" gained traction thanks to an investigation by the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.
    In his video, Navalny revealed that the un-named oligarch in the book was Russian industrialist Oleg Deripaska. Navalny highlighted social media posts from Vashukevich showing her next to Deripaska on a yacht alongside the Russian deputy prime minister Sergey Prikhodko.
    Asked about Navalny's investigation, Vashukevich told CNN "it was all correct."
    In the Thai jail, Vashukevich and Kirillov looked uncomfortable and desperate. They said conditions were over-crowded and miserable. They relied on food brought in every other day by friends.
    The lawyer representing them says she was surprised at how long it was taking to deport the jailed "sex coaches."
    "Normally my clients are deported in one or two days," said Elena Fominykh, a Russian-speaking legal advisor and private investigator based in Bangkok.

    'Sexual revolutionary'

    The arrests of the pair are a worrying turn for a group of Russian-speaking acolytes of Kirillov, author of books "Life Without Panties" and "The Game of Master and Huntress."
    On Monday, Ukrainian native Maria Skulbeda waited outside the detention center in the sweltering heat in the hopes of arranging an appointment to meet Kirillov and Vashukevich.
    The 21-year-old Skulbeda described Kirillov as a kind of sexual revolutionary, who teaches his followers a belief system of "freedom, sex and love" that revolves around the art of seduction.
    Vashukevich pictured in an undated social media post.
    Vashukevich pictured in an undated social media post. 
    "I am an employee, I am a friend, I am a lover," said Skulbeda, of her relationship with Kirillov.
    Deripaska, she said, was well known within the group to be a target of seduction by Vashukevich. 
    A spokesperson for Deripaska denied claims he was romantically involved with Vashukevich.
    Now, Skulbeda fears what may happen if her friends are deported to Russia.
    "First, they are in danger. Second, they have information, and third, we are afraid for their lives."

    CNN's Matthew Chance and Emma Burrows in Moscow contributed to this report



  21. Russian model in Thai jail promises to spill Trump-Russia secrets

    By Emma Burrows, CNN


    Updated 0221 GMT (1021 HKT) March 2, 2018 

    Jailed Russian sex guru claims to have secrets


    Jailed Russian sex guru claims to have secrets 03:18

    (CNN)A self-described Russian "seductress" is asking for US help to escape a Thai detention center in exchange for information on alleged links between US President Donald Trump and Russia, according to her Instagram account.

    Anastasia Vashukevich, who also goes by the name Nastya Rybka, says she's being held in Thailand after being arrested on February 26, along with nine other Russians, in the city of Pattaya for running so-called "sex training" sessions. Rybka has said she's from Belarus but entered Thailand on a Russian passport, a Thai immigration official told CNN.
    While on the way to prison in Pattaya, Rybka published a video on her Instagram account begging US journalists to help her. 
    "I'm ready to give you all the missing puzzle pieces, support them with videos and audios, regarding the connections of our respected lawmakers with Trump, Manafort and the rest. I know a lot. I'm waiting for your offers and I'm waiting for you in a Thai prison," she said.
    Rybka has come under the spotlight in recent weeks after the Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny published an investigation earlier this month on his anti-corruption foundation website into her connections with some of Russia's richest and most powerful men. 
    Rybka has described herself as a seductress and has published a "diary" on "how to seduce a billionaire." In the investigation, Navalny published video from Rybka's Instagram account showing an August 2016 yacht trip with Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska and Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Prikhodko.
    Russia's President Vladimir Putin, left, talks to Oleg Deripaska at the 2017 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation  summit in Vietnam.
    Russia's President Vladimir Putin, left, talks to Oleg Deripaska at the 2017 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Vietnam.
    Navalny said the two men could be heard in the video discussing Russia's poor relationship with the United States. Navalny suggested Deripaska and Prikhodko may have served as a link between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign. CNN has repeatedly tried to contact Prikhodko for comment but has received no response.
    Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Prikhodko is seen at a June 2016 news conference.
    Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Prikhodko is seen at a June 2016 news conference.
    Deripaska previously worked with President Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort. According to emails described to The Washington Post, Manafort, through an intermediary, offered to provide Deripaska with "private briefings" about the state of the Trump campaign. But a spokesperson for Deripaska told CNN that the billionaire "never received any communication about it." Manafort's spokesman told the Post that any briefing offered on the state of the campaign would have been "routine," but that no briefings took place.
    When he was confronted by CNN last year, Deripaska called allegations that he may have been a back channel from the Kremlin to the Trump campaign "fake news." In a post on his Instagram account, he called the most recent allegations contained in Navalny's investigation "outrageous" and "false."
    In a statement provided to CNN, his spokesperson said he was suing Rybka and her business partner because they "maliciously made his private photos and personal information public. If someone sneaked onto your house and then published photos from it you would do the same. This information was then used by Mr. Navalny as bait to drum up the interest of an audience, and make up a story far from any truth."
    CNN contacted Rybka after Navalny's report came out but she failed to provide any evidence about Russian meddling in the US election.
    The Russian Embassy consul in Thailand, Vladimir Sosnov, told the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti that 10 Russians, including Rybka, were detained for running "illegal training" sessions and were "awaiting trial and deportation from Thailand."
    The deputy chief of Pattaya's immigration police office told CNN that Rybka, who was traveling on a Russian passport, was released on bail after being held for working in Thailand without a work visa. She was subsequently detained again and is being held in custody prior to deportation because her tourist visa was revoked, police Lt. Col. Dulayapat Techapornchayasin said.
    Rybka has claimed she was arrested in Thailand on the orders of the Russian government because of the videos she published with Deripaska and Prikhodko.
    "If we go back to Russia we will die in Russian's [sic] prison or they will kill us," a post on Rybka's Instagram account said. "This is very serious. ... Please USA help us not to die from Russians!"
    After she was detained, a post on Rybka's Instagram account suggested her arrest was connected to the recent arrival in Thailand of Nikolai Patrushev, the head of Russia's Security Council and former head of the FSB.
    The Kremlin dismissed any such suggestion, saying "such visits are, of course, organized in advance. It is quite ridiculous to associate it with the arrests of Russian citizens in Thailand."

    CNN's Kocha Olarn contributed to this report.




  22. Девушка подходит к тебе, заводит разговор, интересуется, а потом ты делаешь шаг, и она шлет тебя? 

    Это игра. У Эрика Берна она называется “ай-яй-яй, испачкался” или “насилуют”.
    Девочка таким образом провоцирует мальчика, и он описывает, почему девочка это делает. 
    Все девушки это делают, ну, большая часть, которая не умеет вести себя с мальчиками. Которые не умеют по-хорошему с ними общаться, их не научили иному - и  они провоцируют. На самом деле, если девушка провоцирует и только провокациями с тобою играет - это означает, что ее просто не научили общаться с мальчиками, потому что, если вы внимательно почитаете Кодекс [Мастера и Охотницы], там я написал, что самый простой и тупой уровень соблазнения - это когда ты играешь против человека, фишки на нем отрабатываешь и так далее. А если ты хочешь именно эмоций, то нужно не против него, а вместе с ним играть, это следующий уровень. Когда вы вместе что-то делаете, это гораздо интереснее. Вместе играете с другими людьми, вместе тусуетесь по жизни, какие-то игры и прокачки придумываете себе вместе…
    Проходить прокачки вместе - это очень круто.
    Так как реагировать на провокации?
    Вообще никак - это самый правильный вариант, ну или играться. Но играться - это так, для прокачки. На самом деле, для хороших и глубоких чувств играться с провокациями девочек - это совсем не то

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